Mary Samiotou bio

Mary Samiotou

I was born and raised in Athens Greece. From the early stages of my I life I was introduced with my artistic nature through painting.

I took my first prize as a child prodigy at the age of 7. I took my first camera on hand when I was 12 and I kept on taking pictures of everything every since. As an adult I had the opportunity to study Photography with one of the best black & white film Photographers in Greece, Mr Giannis Galani. On that occassion I took part at the excibition of art photography where one of my photographs was chosen as the main theme of the excibition. After I finished my studies I was introduced to digital Photography and processing. The last 10 years I am specialized on sports photography but at the same time I keep following my artistic nature.

As a sports Photographer I have the opportunity to work for the CEV (European Volleyball Federation) on several sports events about volleyball and I also for the Greek Volleyball Federation. My work has been published all over the world (web sites, newspapers and magazines) and I have worked with and still work with a large number of male and female players around the globe.

Since 2005 I have worked apart from the federations for,, in everyday bases.

Apart from Sports photography I worked for Ecali Club as a fashion / event photographer for nine years as well as illustrating menus.

I prefer to work with CANON equipment since my first film pro camera was a Canon but I can work with any shorts of camera.

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